Friday, November 7, 2008

Just some thoughts.....have I been prejudice in my view of the election this year based on race? I don't think so. Have I been persuaded by those saying Sen. Obama was of the Muslim faith? Yes, I truly thought he was Muslim in his belief, yet to my understanding now, he is and has been a member of the UCC for at least the last 20 years. Would this have changed how I voted? No. One reason I didn't vote for the Senator was because I didn't like his plans for taxes, (Jeff and I are small business owners and to my understanding we're going to be taxed even more than we are now, I hope my understanding of the Senators tax plans are wrong). This is the reason many people voted for him; they like his tax plans. Does this mean Sen. Obama is their President and not mine? No, this means the democratic process is alive and well in our country and I will pray for OUR President like I have the others before him.

I have told my children how interesting this is from a historical view point! Electing the first black President is living history. It will be interesting to watch history unfold before our very eyes! (This coming from someone who doesn't even like history! Will wonders never cease?!)

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